Ana and I plan on heading to Europe in the somewhat near future. Until that time, we will use this blog to start gathering useful information to help us plan. Once we cross the ocean and step foot on a new continent, we'll use this blog to chronicle everything that follows. This is also intended to be an interactive blog - any suggestions you think may help are welcome..

Visitor Notepad

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I imagine this will grow to be quite a large list. This will include any sights we intend to see, also based on your suggestions.

  • Rijksmuseum Amsterdam - A museum containing a large number of Rembrant's paintings.

  • Rembrandt House Museum - A house in Amsterdam where Rembrandt lived and painted for some years. Still standing today, and houses many of his works.

  • OBERAMMERGAU - A town in Austria recommended by Ceci (thanks Cess).

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